Underground fire protection milestones in Marioff history are:
- 1992 orders for London Underground of HI-FOG fire protection
systems to protect self-contained store rooms;
- 1994 installation of HI-FOG systems at Madrid Metro, today over
200 stations in Madrid Metro are already equipped with HI-FOG;
- 2000 HI-FOG fire protection on 80 metro trains for Madrid Metro
continued to a protection of 142 new metro trains in 2005;
- and after few years of extensive full-scale fire testing in tunnels
Marioff signed in 2005 the contract of the world's largest water
mist fire protection project for A86 ring road tunnel in Paris,
Marioff head office is in Finland, with subsidiaries in Austria,
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden, UK and US.