Established in 1988, the French company NFM TECHNOLOGIES, member of Northern Heavy Industries Group, specialises in large, complex and heavy mechanical equipment such as tunnelling machines, combining power, performance and automation. NFM’s industrial capabilities range from concept and design through to on-site support services, together with the manufacturing, assembly, in-shop testing and site commissioning.

NFM Technologies offers services to clients covering several aspects, such as the on-site assistance to operators, partnering, services, especially during equipment start-up, maintenance and spare parts management.
In the field of tunnelling boring machines for excavating all kind of tunnels above 4 m in diameter up to 16 m for the worldwide market, NFM TECHNOLOGIES offers its clients a wide range of TBMs for all soil and ground conditions. NFM Technologies expertise spread on all types of full face tunnelling machines including earth pressure balanced types (EPBs), Slurry shield (Benton'Air ® ), combined modes, Hard Rock single or double shielded TBMs and gripper type.
To date, NFM TECHNOLOGIES has supplied more than 60 machines for worldwide infrastructure projects. Most of these machines have achieved world class production performance, including a number of world records.