ChemGrout - The Industry's Choice Since 1963

CG680HP Series


Celebrating 50 years, ChemGrout continues to manufacture the world’s largest selection of grouting equipment. Starting in 1963 as a grouting contractor providing cement and chemical grouting field services, they designed and constructed equipment for their own use. By 1969, the company began to sell and rent its grouting equipment to other contractors and eventually discontinued field work so it could focus entirely upon the design and manufacture of grouting equipment. This invaluable field experience enables ChemGrout to understand customer’s needs and recommend the proper equipment for each application.

One of ChemGrout’s most popular pieces for water cut-offs and contact grouting in the underground industry is the CG680 High-Pressure Series. This high-capacity, high-pressure colloidal grout plant mixes and pumps slurries of cement, fly ash, bentonite and lime flour. These units feature a 17 cubic foot homogenizing colloidal mixer, a 17 cubic foot agitating storage tank, and a 32 GPM double-acting plunger pump. The colloidal mixer is equipped with a 2X3X12 high sheer centrifugal diffuser-type pump that disperses the cementitous material down to its finest particle size to achieve complete particle wetness. The agitating storage tank uses a variable speed, high-efficiency paddle mixer that maintains a thoroughly mixed grout while waiting to be pumped.

The grout pump is connected directly to the agitating storage tank to provide a continuous pumping operation. ChemGrout’s patented positive displacement, high-capacity, double acting plunger pump provides outputs of up to 32 gallons per minute, and a maximum pressure of 1500 psi.

The rugged steel frame stands up to the toughest jobsite conditions and is available in both manual and automatic pressure control systems. All components are easily accessible for operating, cleaning and maintenance.

ChemGrout’s Underground Series offers exceptional productivity for the grouting of water cut-offs, cable stays and rock bolts. Their patented pumps are industry standards offering reliability and durability, along with unique features simplifying clean up and maintenance.

ChemGrout Inc.

805 E. 31st Street
LaGrange Park, IL 60526 USA
Phone: 708/354-7112
Fax: 708/354-3881